由reSITE所創立的Podcast節目《設計與城市(Design and the City)》,聚焦討論如何讓城市成為更適合人居住的地方,並不斷提出問題來激發我們對於城市未來演進的想法。目前已播出至第二季。在本季首集節目中,請到了荷蘭知名建築事務所MVRDV及研究智庫The Why Factory創辦人偉尼.馬斯(Winy Maas,代表作品包括垂直村落、中泰講廳,及2023年開幕的台南新化果菜市場)來討論關於都市發展的潛力。
Design and the City a podcast by reSITE, on how to make cities more livable and lovable, raising questions and proposing solutions for the city of the future, kicks off its second season, with Winy Maas. In this first episode, the co-founder of MVRDV and The Why Factory discusses ideas that are seemingly larger than life, pushing the boundaries of our urban potential.
ReSITE, a global non-profit acting to improve the urban environment, launched the second installment of its podcast Design and the City. Released for the first time last year, Design and the City, is back, bigger than ever, sharing different ideas on how to create more livable and lovable cities. Featuring guests involved in all aspects of city-making, urban development, architecture, and design, the digital audio series will explore the challenges and problems our current urban environments are facing. Seeking to imagine what a city that is built for everyone looks like, the podcast will tackle issues such as surveillance and security, real estate development and leisure in cities post-COVID, food security and sustainability, and inclusivity and inequality among others.
節目將由reSITE創辦人馬丁・貝瑞(Martin Barry)主持,第一集來賓正是以持續探索未來居住型態可能性聞名的荷蘭籍前瞻性建築大師馬斯。他暢聊到近期的幾個建築風險和他所主持的智庫「The Why Factory( t? f)」正在參與的幾個計畫。節目一開始談到馬斯在COVID疫情封城期間的個人經驗,後來則聊到了MVRDV在歐洲幾處城市設立的巨型階梯裝置,以及其對於城市的衝擊。
Interviewed by Martin Barry, founder of reSite, the guest of the first episode of Design and the City is “constantly looking towards the future and asking the question - what’s next?”. Winy Maas, the founder of MVRDV, spoke about his recent architectural ventures and discussed the projects “The Why Factory” is involved in. Starting off with his personal experience during COVID lockdowns, the conversation shifts towards the stairs installations generated by MVRDV, in a couple of European cities and their impact.
MVRDV與The Why Factory攜手合作,在2020年於法國馬賽所舉行的歐洲當代藝術雙年展—Manifesta 13中扮演了非常重要的角色,合作推出了名為〈城市拼圖(Grand Puzzle)〉的項目。這個跨領域項目聚焦於法國的南部城市馬賽,對城市進行深度分析,透過訪談、空間數據分析等方式,為這座城市的發展潛力下了一個全新的註腳。此外,The Why Factory亦透過〈綠化倡議(Green Dip initiative)〉,重新想像了大都會區的景觀,將典型的「綠地」與現存的都市紋理交織,都市不再是灰濛濛的水泥叢林,而是充滿生機的綠色森林。這項實驗性計畫的第一號作品是位於鹿特丹、預計2021開放參觀的「博伊曼斯.范伯寧恩美術館典藏庫(Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen)」,巨大的桶型建築物外牆佈滿玻璃鏡面,反射周邊公園綠地,儼然一座漂浮在都市空中的「天空森林」。而阿姆斯特丹金融中心的「拉威爾山谷(the Valley)」,則是一座由三棟塔樓組成的立體全綠植露台綜合體。該計劃最新的項目之一則是位於台南新化區的「新化果菜市場」,除室內空間的優化,團隊更依照丘陵地區的傳統土地利用方式-梯田,打造出魔幻但又與融合生態的未來都市景觀。
Along with the Why Factory, the architectural firm played a central role in this year's European Nomadic Biennial, Manifesta 13, in Marseille, France, leading an interdisciplinary urban study focused on the southern French city, named “Le Grand Puzzle.” Moreover, Maas’s think-tank, through its Green Dip initiative, reimagines metropolises, like New York and Hong Kong, and rethinks the typical set “green space”, merging it with the existing urban fabric and transforming concrete jungles into green ones. Experimenting with his interventions, the first test project for this vision was the Depot in Rotterdam, where MVRDV planted a forest; the Valley, in Amsterdam, a three-dimensional mixed-use tower landscape in the Zuidas, and the Market Hall in Tainan, a city in the southern part of Taiwan, where the team created a pool to test climatic cooling.
《設計與城市(Design and the City)》podcast節目目前可在reSite網站、Spotify、Apple Podcast等各大播客平台收聽。
Design and the City is available on reSite website, Spotify, Apple Podcast and anywhere you get your favorite podcast shows.
Photography: MDRVD, reSITE
Word: Christele Harrouk
Source: ArchDaily